It is a selfless act to help prevent this tragedy from happening to others. Every family who shares their story is helping us thread the needle toward stitching a stronger fabric of life.

About NCPC and The Lives Project
NCPC maintains The Lives Project: A Digital Quilt. The digital format calls attention to online criminal behavior and fake pill transactions on social media platforms. The Quilt was unveiled on October 19, 2022, during the National Fentanyl Summit and will continue to grow for as long as this crisis continues.
In addition to training and support for local crime prevention efforts, NCPC works tirelessly to debunk myths about fentanyl, provide practical guidance to keep this poison out of communities, and support families who lost a loved one by advocating for needed change.
Visit NCPC.org to learn more and support our efforts.

I am learning from others who are educated on this issue, sharing our story and honoring others who’ve lost their lives. I hope that change is very near.

Illicit Fentanyl’s Toll on America
Fentanyl was a 20th-century creation that is now illegally manufactured and distributed through a sophisticated 21st-century supply chain. New policies are needed that weave together ways to combat the supply, demand, and use of this drug.